Veganism in the Fast Lane

Lewis Hamilton, Joaquin Phoenix, Thandiwe Newton and Natalie Portman are among a growing list of celebrities presenting a more media-friendly image of veganism in 2022.

From a few moralising bores 10 years ago to the only sensible way forward now, millions are acquiring a taste for vegan food writes Guardian contributor Andrew Anthony.


Read the article here






Swimming Against Ignorance and Cruelty – VEGAN VOICES writer Mary Finelli

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Next in our series on the writers of “VEGAN VOICES –  Essays by Inspiring Changemakers”, we introduce you to MARY FINELLI.  Mary is the founder and president of Fish Feel, the first organization focused on promoting the recognition of fishes as sentient beings deserving of respect and compassion.  Mary also chairs the Save the Rays Coalition.  She has a BS in animal science and has been active in animal rights advocacy since the mid-1980s.  Mary has worked with various animal protection organizations, primarily focusing on farmed animals.  She produced Farmed Animal Watch, a weekly online news digest sponsored by numerous animal protection organizations, and co-wrote a chapter of In Defense of Animals: The Second Wave.

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“Such organisations as the Smithsonian Institution and the American Veterinary Medical Association have recognised that fishes can experience pain, and there is a growing public realization that fishes do indeed suffer fear and pain and are admirable beings who deserve respect, compassion and moral consideration.  

As ethologist Jonathan Balcombe, author of the very informative book ‘What A Fish Knows’ points out: “fish have personalities, they plan, recognise, remember, court, parent, innovate, manipulate, collaborate, communicate with gestures, keep accounts,  deduce, deceive, show virtue, form attachments, have traditions, fall for optical illusions, get depressed, use tools, learn by observation and form mental maps.”

– Mary Finelli





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Will Birds Sing Or Will They Be Silent? – VEGAN VOICES writer Karen Davis PhD

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Next in our series on the writers of “VEGAN VOICES –  Essays by Inspiring Changemakers”, we introduce you to KAREN DAVIS, PhD.  Karen is the president and founder of United Poultry Concerns, a nonprofit organization that promotes the compassionate and respectful treatment of domestic fowl and operates a sanctuary for chickens in Virginia.  Having been inducted into the National Animal Rights Hall of Fame “for outstanding contributions to animal liberation,” Karen is the author of numerous books, essays, articles, and campaigns.  Her latest book is For the Birds: From Exploitation to Liberation: Essays on Chickens, Turkeys, and Other Domesticated Fowl (Lantern, 2019)

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“Something I learned about chickens when I started knowing them decades ago is how vocally charged they are from morning to night.   All day long, I hear their voices outside, ringing and singing…

By contrast, if you open the door of a Tyson or Perdue chicken house after the newborns have been there for a week or so, you will not hear a peep or a rustle.  If you enter a facility where hens have been caged for eggs for a few months, the sound of silence will strike you more forcibly than commotion.

Of all the indicators of their suffering, the sound of thousands of chickens together, mute and unmoving, is the eeriest, most audible signal that something is wrong”.

– Karen Davis





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‘Might Does Not Make Right’ – VEGAN VOICES writer Katina Czyczelis

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In our series on the writers of “VEGAN VOICES –  Essays by Inspiring Changemakers”, we introduce you to KATINA CZYCZELIS.   Graduating from the University of Adelaide with a First Class Honours Bachelor of Law degree Katina practiced as a barrister and solicitor until she gave the law up to have a family.  She later graduated from the University of Adelaide with a Bachelor of Music Performance degree, performing, teaching, and writing about her instrument.  She is currently employed as a general manager in the hospitality industry.  Being a vegan of many years, and through speaking out and writing, Katina has dedicated herself to the life, freedom, and happiness of all animals on Earth. 

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 Being vegan goes beyond just what we put into our stomachs.  It extends to a rejection of the whole paradigm of using other living beings for our own selfish purposes.  It extends to a recognition of what we are actually doing to other sentient beings. What makes it absolutely criminal is that we do these things to nonhuman beings not because we have to but simply because we can, and we choose not to end it”.

– Katina Czyczelis





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‘It’s Our Choice’ – VEGAN VOICES writer Emily Moran Barwick

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In our series on the writers of “VEGAN VOICES –  Essays by Inspiring Changemakers”, we introduce you to EMILY MORAN BARWICK (  From authoring essays on the experiences of children in the foster care system at six, to educating door-to-door about endangered species at seven, Emily’s advocacy and activism took root at a very early age. After completing her Master of Fine Arts, Emily founded Bite Size Vegan, providing free resources and information on issues impacting health, our planet, society, and the lives of sentient beings. Communication has never come easily to Emily – an Autistic – but she credits her Autism for her deep and empathetic connection with nonhuman animals, and believes by seeing the world differently, she’s better able to help others begin to think differently.

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“We campaign for regulations and wait over a decade for the smallest advances when all the while there is another option entirely.  One that we don’t have to manipulate our values to justify. One that we don’t have to couch in euphemisms or bury beneath dense legislation. One that allows us to finally align our actions with our values.

You have a choice. You decide whether you want to continue to have others kill for you. You decide whether you want to continue consuming death, terror, and heartbreak – whitewashed as humane.  You decide. My hope is you’ll decide to go vegan.”

– Emily Moran Barwick

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‘Dogs for Dinner’ – VEGAN VOICES writer Laura Barlow

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In our series on the writers of “VEGAN VOICES –  Essays by Inspiring Changemakers”, we introduce you to LAURA BARLOW (  Laura developed a passion for nature and animals at a young age. She spends her free time volunteering, running a nonprofit organization and taking care of her two rescue dogs. Her purpose in this world is to spread a message of love and compassion toward nature, animals, and humanity. Laura holds both a Master of Fine Arts and a Master of Education degree from Rhode Island College. She is certified in plant-based nutrition and pet therapy. Laura is a performing arts teacher in Providence, and currently resides in Warwick, Rhode Island. 

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“Throughout the years I have watched many videos and films that show cruelty to animals. Despite being difficult to watch, these films are necessary. In recent years, a great deal of attention has been focused on dog meat farms. Dogs on meat farms are crammed into tiny, filthy cages.  These dogs may be killed by electrocution, blunt force, hanging, or even by being boiled alive. My heart breaks when I see these images and videos. The dogs look broken and hopeless, and their eyes reveal a life of pain and suffering. In their eyes, I see all animals whose suffering is for human consumption and profit. All of these animals experience pain, suffering, and fear. They all quiver before their death. The truth is that all animals want to live.”

– Laura Barlow

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The Healing Revolution – VEGAN VOICES author Victoria Moran

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In our series on  the writers of “VEGAN VOICES –  Essays by Inspiring Changemakers”, we introduce you to VICTORIA MORAN.  Victoria is listed among VegNews magazine’s “Top 10 Living Vegetarian Authors” and voted PETA’s “Sexiest Vegan Over 50” in 2016.  She has written thirteen books, including The Love-Powered Diet, Main Street Vegan, and the international bestseller Creating a Charmed Life. She hosts the award-winning Main Street Vegan Podcast, produced the 2019 documentary A Prayer for Compassion, and is director of Main Street Vegan Academy, training vegan lifestyle coaches and educators. Victoria wrote the Foreword for VEGAN VOICES, and the title of her essay  is “Veganism, Yoga, and Me.” 

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“The cessation of human-caused misery in the animal world would be the most profound event in the ethical history of this planet. It would affect chickens, turkeys, and geese; pigs, cows, sheep, and goats; and myriad kinds of fishes.  It would liberate hunted animals, fur-bearers, and those wild beings whose rangeland humans claim for grazing cattle.  The cages in laboratories would empty and their inmates – rats and mice, rabbits and guinea pigs, cats and dogs, and nonhuman primates – would no longer be subject to pain and death for someone else’s knowledge, someone else’s funding.  Entertainment that enslaves animals would be universally deemed barbaric and would end without fanfare.  And no more “pets” would be chained, ignored, abused or abandoned.  As this healing revolution sweeps across nations, people could tackle remaining problems with renewed vigor.”

– Victoria Moran

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A Revolution of the Heart – VEGAN VOICES editor Dr Joanne Kong

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 In the first of our series introducing you to the writers from “VEGAN VOICES – Essays By Inspiring Changemakers”, we look at the editor,  Dr. Joanne Kong.  Joanne has been recognized as one of the most compelling advocates for plant-sourced nutrition today. A frequent public speaker at universities, festivals, and conferences, her highly praised TEDx talk, “The Power of Plant-Based Eating,” is on numerous websites. She has toured extensively—in Italy, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, and a three-week, ten-city tour of India—speaking on veganism. She is the author of If You’ve Ever Loved an Animal, Go Vegan (self-published), and is profiled in the book Legends of Change, about vegan women who are reshaping the world.

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“Veganism is a revolution of the heart, a call for a world of greater peace, health and harmony created through expanding our circles of compassion.   

Veganism reflects a paradigm shift whereby one has begun to seriously question the underpinnings of a culture that has brought more and more harm to other beings, the natural world, and ourselves.”

– Joanne Kong

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Poet and End Animal Slaughter contributor Monika Arya saw a photo of a ‘slinky’, a stillborn or sick calf who died – or was killed – within minutes or hours of birth.  She was inspired to write this moving tribute. 




New to the world, unaware of its grisly ways,

A child’s eyes quietly weep.

Deprived of their mother’s milk, they slipped away bit by bit.



The rope thrown around their necks was meant to be a maternal kiss,

Thunder rattled their tender hearts, roaring rain beat their baby skin.


They went to bed, 

No one tucked them in. 

On a blanket of dung and pee, the night slithered around gently 

Before they were swallowed by the impervious dark. 


Let this frail body be your morning tea,

Steaming with the woes of a childless mother

Whose fatigued flesh will soon be a meal

Laced with pain and longing.  

‘The Adult Must Steer The Car’ – Reflections on the Ancient and Modern Brain

In this blog End Animal Slaughter contributor Paul Stevenson writes that the most recently evolved part of our brain is the seat of reason, compassion and kindness.  It should be developed if we are to create an enlightened world, and find inner contentment ourselves.


The adult within us dreams of Utopia but we can only manifest Utopia by being fully adult human beings, and not being controlled by our primeval infant ancestors. To put it slightly differently, the adult must steer the car, not the child if we wish to arrive at our destination.

We think we are one person, but are actually several people inhabiting the same body. That is because our brain is made of many different parts which have evolved over immense spans of time. We can think of the annual growth rings in a tree. The earliest rings formed when the tree was a tiny sapling are still there at the heart of the noble forest giant, hundreds if not thousands of years later. The more ancient parts of our brain control basic activities such as breathing, moving, resting, feeding, emotions, and memory, while at the other extreme is the most recently-evolved part of our brain that provides us with the ability to carry out rational thought processes and reflect on what we do.


‘We can think of the annual growth rings in a tree. The earliest rings formed when the tree was a tiny sapling are still there at the heart of the noble forest giant, hundreds if not thousands of years later’.


In reality we see with our mind.  That is because everything we do in life is controlled by the mind, and our senses are only its servants.   When we hear anyone’s screams, irrelevant of species, we know that they are in trouble. We feel for them and we would not be human if we didn’t. This is why we have words such as inhuman, cruel, inhumane, humane, kindly, caring, compassionate, charitable, unfeeling, hard-hearted, warm-hearted, sympathetic, empathetic, callous, magnanimous, and countless others.

Many people do not think about what they are eating, but increasing numbers are doing just that, hence the vegan revolution. The vegan revolution has important implications for our state of mind. A consequence of behaving kindly is that we are kind to ourselves at the same time, When we help others, when we show them kindness we feel far better inside ourselves. Our heart glows with warmth and we walk tall with pride. However, when we treat others unkindly and callously we shrink inside and become small, mean, hard-hearted. We cannot feel proud of ourselves and we cannot have peace in our heart.  At the end of the day ultimate happiness is all about having peace in our heart.

Such is the folly of the unkind life. The thief, the brutal person, the cheat, ends up doing the same to themselves as they do to others. This is basically all about the Golden Rule – do unto others as you would have them do unto you. When we kind to others we are kindest of all to ourselves (notwithstanding cases where would-be rescuers end up dying themselves). And when we are unkind to others we are unkindest of all to ourselves.


‘Such is the folly of the unkind life. The thief, the brutal person, the cheat, ends up doing the same to themselves as they do to others. This is basically all about the Golden Rule – do unto others as you would have them do unto you’.


In either case we carry the memory of our behaviour to the grave, whether for good or ill. We may forget or brush aside good deeds we have done, but bad deeds are like an immovable thorn in our foot, a pillow of thistles that accompanies us for the remainder of our days. We can try and make amends for our wrongdoing, but we can never undo what has been done, and it can torment us savagely. To sum up, my belief is that we must reconcile our behaviour to conform to what we know to be right. The human dream is the product of the human brain, the product of the advanced brain that is uniquely human. We yearn for the land of our dreams, but we prevent ourselves from reaching there by our primitive behaviour, behaviour of another time, an ancient time. Thus all our behaviour must be compatible with what we know to be right if we are ever to discover happiness and fulfilment in our lives.

Recently-evolved parts of the mind allow us to examine more rudimentary behaviours and preferences in the light of more evidence. Perhaps this process is akin to that of gaining expert advice when buying a house or car, or seeking specialist medical advice for example. In these cases our poorly-informed minds are not up to the job of making expert decisions, so we consult someone who does have the experience and knowledge. The question is then “what shall we do for the best?” We are now all armed with that inner specialist – the advanced human brain. We have built-in a mind that can make expert decisions of the kind required. We are fools indeed not to heed its advice. If we wish to enjoy the blessings that the human mind craves we must see, hear and behave with our fully human mind, not the mind of our primeval ancestors.  Thus the vegan life is not at all about being better than others, but by treating others decently, and  being best of all to ourselves. 


‘Thus the vegan life is not at all about being better than others, but by treating others decently, and  being best of all to ourselves’.