Posted on December 6, 2020

Guest speaker Ilan Goldberg impressed listeners at the Wellington (NZ) Animal Rights March on 28th November with his original poem, an abridged version we reprint here.
Ilan talks about the hypocrisies of a small and beautiful land that punches above its weight in many ways, and cares about some animals, yet turns a blind eye to the sufferings of animals raised for food.
‘For Megan the Brave, and her
fellow teen-aged heroes’.
Blessed, this fair land of ours
Kissed by cloud, wind and sea
100 per cent pure beauty
God’s own for you and me
We count our stars now daily
So lucky here to be
Here we prance so gayly
From foreign lands we flee
We’re pioneers, this side of Earth
Care and fairness we admire
To nuclear physics we gave birth
Then fixed it with eight wire
We care for sick and wounded
Thank you ACC
‘Woke’ to slang we added
We’re slightly less racey
We also care for our dumb beasts
For in victory we’re gracious
But rights for them will ruin feasts
Please vegans, don’t be precious
Eating them is natural
As natural as Ebola
Circle of life means all is fine
Geometry is moral
Killing is normal just right now
Majorities are never wrong
To add to death we must avow
Kill, and you’ll belong
And don’t forget, they want to die
To feed us is their purpose
We breed them so; it’s not a lie
For us, their life is surplus
And anyway, their life is joy
So good we’ve put up fences
Humane death does not annoy
We’ve taken all their senses
Or so at least I’ve heard it said
Meat experts never lie
I’ve never looked at how they’re bled
I couldn’t bear to cry
Don’t get me wrong, I’m tough as nails
As manly as my meat
I’m so strong I could eat whales
Cows cower at my feet
Without my bacon I will squeal
But otherwise I’m daring
Even Achilles had his heal
And mine it seems is caring
But I do care about you folks
I’m killing them to save you all
If I don’t, that’s not a hoax
They’ll rise up and we will fall
Our mother’s milk, cows will drink
Pigs will smoke us tender
Chicks will then their role rethink
And mash us in a blender
Now if you think I’m slightly mad
Consider this hard proof
Without a living we’d be had
Economy is truth
It is good for purchase price
To cut parts off with a device
To keep a mum from baby
To kill a world for gravy
Our law is also not untrue
Best welfare law; that’s lucky
The best among a choice of poo
Will still end up quite funky
Our welfare law is not for them
They wouldn’t write such evil phlegm
It was written by rich white men
Between their fangs were parts of hen
So full of holes, so unenforced
Its toothless gums from good divorced
What it allows should make us see
Its purpose is to set harm free
Welfare experts, aren’t they great
If they approve, why hesitate
They say the harm’s our fantasy
Or else the best we’ll ever see
To cheat the science for money’s sake
Tobacco taught to any snake
Their welfare expert is pure bull
Welfare committees are a stool
Ignore as well our heart disease
Our colon cancer’s high
Diabetes is a breeze
The superbugs, Just fry
And plants will suffer if you feed
Prick a plant; does it not bleed?
All ye stoners; replant that weed
All fashionistas; drop that thneed
Animals; their mind’s a joke
Only people are so woke
For there is nothing it is like
To be a cow tied in the rack
Or a layer that’s pecked raw
To be a sow locked in a crack
Or a fish that’s crushed like straw
To be a prawn, eyestalks ablated
Or a broiler, limbs ill-fated
A new-born calf when separated
Or a piglet when castrated
All these harms do not exist
By God I swear to love them
And on this point I must insist
Like my own kids I love them
Like my own kids I lock, I tie
And let them live in faeces
I feed them drugs or else they’ll die
Then chop them into pieces
Inseminate with mutant DNA
To fill my golden pot
They don’t need to walk each day
They’re free to range right on the spot
But I’ve a right to choose to kill
O liberty: you’re such a thrill
Their liberty? No don’t be daft
Use your brain, you vegan shaft
We’re no monsters; too civilised
We delegate; don’t criticize
The killing’s done far far away
Hidden from us who choose to pay
Thank heavens then, that we’ve a brain
So big it gives us moral reign
By that I mean to kill in vain
As many killed as drops of rain
Pray tell, could this get any madder
Could our brains just make us badder
We are gods, and they are nothing
Perhaps its sentience we’re lacking
But even God said meat is ours
It’s not just my opinion
In love he gave us special powers
Just don’t look up ‘dominion’
Does God so clearly love his meat
His gift for us to kill and eat?
Without a spleen, God is like Megan
If He can’t eat, He’s just as vegan
Oh yes my friends, our nation’s great
A land of plenty fills our plate
But there is something we forget
We’re not Kiwis; not just yet
We can teach ourselves some morals
We can evolve from flesh to florals
Thou shalt not kill; our books do say
A right to life; to love; to play
Ilan Goldberg reading his poem at the Wellington Animal Rights March
Fellow marchers;
You’ve seen the light
You’ve heard their scream
You’ve felt their fright
You are their dream
Our mission vast; but we will cope
Fight to the last. We’ll never drop
We are heroes. We are hope
Hear us O world: WE WILL NOT STOP!
More than 500 people walked through the streets of Wellington on Saturday November 28th to demand justice for New Zealand animals.