Posted on January 21, 2020

Key points:
Charred bodies of animals are strewn all over on Kangaroo Island, south of Adelaide, where an estimated 37,000 koalas have been killed in the bushfires.
A koala was photographed appearing to bury its face in its arms in sorrow, while its companion’s lifeless body lay nearby.
WWF-Australia estimates that 1.25 billion wild animals have died in Australia during the crisis in addition to livestock losses, which the government expects will exceed 100,000 animals.
Australian Environment Minister Sussan Ley said koalas could be listed as endangered for the first time.
Donate to HSI to support their animal rescue fund.
Donate to 1300KOALAZ Adelaide and Hills Koala Rescue’s fundraiser to help them continue saving and caring for koalas.
Donate to WIRES’ emergency fund for saving wildlife affected by the fires.
Donate to WWF’s Australian Wildlife and Nature Recovery Fund.
To help people and firefighters, donate to the Australian Red Cross Disaster Relief and Recovery.
Sign this petition demanding climate change action from Australian leaders as well because climate change has certainly contributed to the record-breaking intensity of these fires.
Read the Metro UK article here