Bullfighters Want Handouts In Covid Environment! Sign Petition.
Posted on August 2, 2020

A tortured bull collapses, and lies bleeding while spectators cheer, and one of his feet is hacked off as a keepsake. The barbaric ‘sport’ of bullfighting is asking the Spanish government for money to keep going in the Covid environment. Take action!
Read the article and sign the petition here
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Christine maynard says:
Bulls are sentient creatures who feel pain and fear as human beings do. The way they are treated is barbaric.
Sandra Kyle says:
It really is barbaric Christine. ‘Torture is not Culture’. 🙁
Heidi Stephenson says:
This is a cruel, anti-life, Satanic ritual which needs to be stopped in its bloody tracks! The desire to do this to a sensitive, conscious, feeling fellow being, or to watch it happening, is nothing short of Evil, and an Evil which is ‘blessed’ by the unholy Catholic church.
Sandra Kyle says:
It is hard to believe that Religions treat animals this way Heidi. We need to evolve, and then our institutions will evolve.