‘The Root of the Problem is Eating Animals’
Posted on March 31, 2020

Like much of the rest of the world, New Zealand is in lockdown because of Covid-19. Only the ‘essential’ services continue. The New Zealand government has stated that slaughterhouses are an essential service.
In this article End Animal Slaughter contributor Dr Lynley Tulloch, and Editor Sandra Kyle, write that not only are slaughterhouses not essential, it is time to close them down permanently. If breeding, slaughtering, and eating animals is not called to a halt, the appearance of deadly zoonotic diseases and other pathogens will increase at an unprecedented rate.
Read the article here
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suzanne beer says:
Animal slaughter needs to end now . The cruelty of these places is not only on the animals but on the people who work there (there is high rates of suicide and mental health issues). Eating animals also comes back on us through many diseases not only corona virus. To consider slaughter houses as an essential service and gardeners as not essential is a major disease of our human society.
Sandra Kyle says:
Suzanne, agreed. One hundred percent. Thankyou for your comment.