My Parents ‘Forced’ Veganism On Me – VEGAN VOICES writer Sarina Farb
Posted on June 16, 2022

Next in our series on the writers of “VEGAN VOICES – Essays by Inspiring Changemakers”, is Sarina Farb.
Sarina is a Midwest-based science educator, speaker, and justice activist with a passion for making the world a better place for all beings. She is the co-founder of the Climate Diet Solution and was co-host of the 2020 Climate Diet Summit. Born in Kansas and raised vegan, Sarina has a lifetime of experience advocating for veganism, climate justice, and sustainable plant-based living. Currently, she serves on the Plant-Based Network advisory committee and is a member of the American Vegan Society Speakers Bureau. Sarina creates empowering and educational content on her website and her YouTube channel, Born Vegan. A former high-school science teacher with a BA in biochemistry and policy studies, she brings critical thinking, nuance, and ethics into conversations about science and sustainability.
Extract from her essay in VEGAN VOICES:
“From my very earliest memories, my parents didn’t just raise me on a vegan diet. Rather, they laid out a very clear foundation, using age-appropriate reasoning, for what veganism was and why we were vegan. When I was really little, that reasoning was simple, with comments like, “We don’t eat animals because it hurts them,“. and, ‘We don’t drink cow’s milk because it’s meant for baby cows.’ As I got older, the explanations got more sophisticated, and conversations about veganism became regular family discussions. We also discussed our duty as citizens of this planet to speak up about injustices and problems of which we were aware. So around seven years of age, with my knowledge of animal exploitation and the environmental havoc that animal agriculture wreaks on the planet, and my family’s ideals of speaking out against injustice, I felt compelled to share the truth with my friends and peers.”
Review of Vegan Voices by Bruce Friedrich, Co-founder & Executive Director, The Good Food Institute:
“There are as many reasons to be vegan as there are vegans, as this lovely anthology makes clear. So many of my heroes in one place—what a treat. Read it and be inspired.”
Vegan Voices: Essays by Inspiring Changemakers
Available at Lantern Publishing & Media
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-59056-650-3
eBook ISBN: 978-1-59056-651-0