COVID-19 – It’s Time To Leave Behind Inhumane Practices For Good
Posted on April 17, 2020

The Chinese government is promoting a bear bile derivative as a cure for Covid 19, without any evidence that it would work. As a result there could be an upsurge in the demand for bears for this cruel and inhumane treatment.
The US is proposing The Bear Protection Act, designed to prevent poaching of American bears for bear bile. The passage of this Act would help stop this extreme form of animal cruelty globally.
It is time to stop superstitious, archaic practices, and leave them behind for good.
Read the Animal Wellness article here:
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Aengus says:
Well written as always Sandra
This madness has to stop
Sandra Kyle says:
It does, Aengus, and if it’s anything to do with you and I, it will! xx